February 2, 2016

Some Shots From January

The beginning of 2016 was busy and good. I managed to do a bit of travelling and explored places I've never been to before. Here are unsorted photos I took during that time.

Jan (10)

Roads. They connect the world, open new horizons, take people further.
Lately, I’ve been on different roads a lot .

And I am trying to make most of them. In fact, every photo in this post I took while getting somewhere. Better to enjoy the path itself instead to just wait for the final destination.

Jan (11)

Jan (3)

Note that concrete bunker on the right. It was built prior to the WWII as a part of a massive border fortification system around Czech national borders. But then the Munich Agreement took place, and everything went to crap anyway. It is over 70 years since the WWII ended, yet it's still not difficult to find some silent reminders of the dark history around. Landscapes wounded by explosions, littered with rusted shell casings and barbed wires.

Jan (9)

Jan (8)

Local woods are pretty and offer tons of interesting spots. Like this lone cross on the shore of the Bedrichov's Dam.

Jan (6)

…speaking of crosses, old churches are abundant in Central Europe. Here are some I've seen within the last 30-or-so days.

Jan (2)

It comes to a cheesy thing I’ve learned through photography. Find something valuable in as many situations as possible.

Jan (16)

Doesn’t matter if it is some trees brighten by a morning sun or 160 vertical meters (525ft) of an industrial monument sticking into a light polluted sky.

Thanks for reading! For more posts, see my blog archives.

Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Collections



    Teresa Wehmeier
    February 4, 2016 at 02:04

    Nicely done.

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