September 10, 2015

London Walks vol.1

Moving to London last week was one of many big changes I went through lately. I had to do something to sort out my thoughts and since going out with a camera is one of the best things to relax, that’s what I did one night a few days ago.

I walked through the E14 towards the Isle of Dogs, an area mostly known for its business district: Canary Wharf – a place where some of the UK’s tallest buildings are.


city of concrete, glass, and steel.

Reuters Plaza: A place almost brighter at midnight than at noon.

Reuters Plaza: A place almost brighter at midnight than at noon.

Behind the office skyscrapers are residential towers.


Although the district has a respectable size already, there are new projects everywhere. In just a couple of years, it will be twice as large. Construction is booming here. See the tarp to the left? That will be another high rise soon.

One of the things I like about London is that they are proud of their industrial history.

You can see reminders of heavy machinery all around the city, and the business district at the Isle of Dogs aren’t exception.

You can see reminders of heavy machinery all around the city, and the Isle of Dogs isn’t an exception.

It seems like a logical thing to do: the whole world looks like we know it today because of the industrial revolution, which started in the UK.

This neighborhood used to be one of the busiest docks in the world, and so there can be seen many old container cranes like this.

This neighborhood used to be one of the busiest docks in the world, and so there can be seen many old container cranes like this.

Before walking back, I went by the Thames to see the skyline of downtown, where is another of London’s business districts.

That is another London’s business district, in the downtown. Once I’ll take a walk through that one as well.

"Once I’ll take a walk through that one as well," I thought. And that gave me an idea about the name of this post. Expect more London Walks coming as an irregular series.

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Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Stories


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