October 5, 2019

Ben A’an

Small hill with big views.

Ben A'an is only 461m / 1512ft tall, but it is among the most visited hills in the Trossachs. So I went to check out what's the fuss all about. The trail starts in a forest near Loch Achray:

But it takes no time to climb out of it, which is where the reasons for Ben A'an's popularity started to be clear. Never mind its size; it looks like a proper mountain:

Another reason is the views the trail offers.

It was a rainy day, so they might weren't as colorful as they could have been; however, due to the weather, the trail was almost empty - a decent trade-off, I'd say.

Near the summit, the rain quit - allowing to stay atop for a while, and enjoy the geographical features the place has to offer: Rolling hills on one side...

...and Loch Katrine on the other. Besides the boat sailing through the loch, there were no signs of civilization.

Considering that the summit is only about a mile from the trailhead, this is a steal. The ratio of the atmosphere and the ease of access of Ben A'an is hard to beat. Thanks for reading!

Accessibility is great, but sometimes, getting to some hard-to-reach locations is even better:

a trip to another magnificent piece of the UK’s coastline and the Canterbury Cathedral

"Alone, Alive." - Cycling to the nowhere of Glen Nevis.


"Off the Grid" visiting three remote lochs in Cairngorms.

Browse my blog archives for more topics.

Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Stories


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