The conclusion on what is good profoundly varies among individuals and groups. Political views, weather, religion, immigration, to name a few, a coin has always two sides. "Duality" (2019) is a digital installation exploring pros and cons, polar opposites, and the area in between.


The installation mixes real-time generated abstract graphics with animated symbols and drawings representing the issues above, as well as the mathematical duality by the De Morgan's laws, idealism and pragmatism, and also contemporary topics such as the Brexit, climate change, and consumerism. Every once in a while, the work switches to a live video capturing the visitors. It returns the focus on them – the installation doesn't take a stand itself. All images are black and white, highlighting the dialogue of light and darkness.


The visuals are accompanied by surround sound, consisting of recordings to outline the contrasts. A piece of classical music merges to electronic noise and ocean waves to revs of idling Diesel engine. Samples of speeches of contradicting messages by various historical figures e.g., Pope Francis and Hitler, blends with a drone of granular synthesis and multiple short poems I wrote reflecting on the topics portrayed in the installation.


Projection: two-channel projection on a semi-transparent screen suspended from the ceiling, around which visitors can walk and literally “take a stand,” as each side of the screen portrays a different attitude. The projections partially merge on the screen and complement each other, making a collage out of light patterns. While the visitors can choose a side, it is impossible to entirely escape the other one, similarly as the voices of opposition are being heard whether we like them or not. The screen resonates with the "Duality" concept, as it stretches soft canvas between rigid iron bars.

2.5x1.5m semi-transparent canvas, 2-channel video, 4.0 sound. 

The projection version was displayed as a part of the 2019 Degree Show, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee, UK, 17 - 26.5. 2019.

TVs: Each side of the story has its own screen, but to escape the binarity and to maintain the area "in-between," the images slightly overlap each other. At the same time, all the generated patterns are split 50/50 between the TVs, linking them together.

Video stream in two 1080p screens, stereo sound.

The TV version was exhibited within the "SSA | VAS OPEN 2019/2020" in the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, UK, 22.12. 2019 - 30.1. 2020.

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"The thrilling ultimate in contrapuntal experiences."
William Hume, Dundee Review of the Arts

Making of this work was supported by the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust. Thank you!