Phase Transitions

"Phase Transitions" (2020) is an installation reflecting the stability of a constant change.

4 frames 93x60x10cm, laser and led lights, generative projection, fog, sound. 

The term "phase transition" describes the shift between states of matter, a change commonly seen in nature and technology. "Phase Transitions" artwork is executed as four wall-mounted frames – three display arrows made of light, each in a different element. LED light shines through a solid acrylic sheet, pulsing laser beams are visible thanks to evaporating liquid, and an evolving projection transmits through the air.

Both light and arrows are navigational aids universally used regardless of language. The arrows point the visitors (literally) the right way, towards the fourth frame located at the end of the room: it is a mirror, which returns the visitors' attention to themselves.

The phenomenon of change is deeply rooted in both Western and Eastern philosophies. Heraclitus famously said, "No man ever steps in the same river twice," and that "everything flows," while Lao-Tze mentioned that "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous change." Since then, many figures have spoken about change. Nelson Mandela saw education as a tool to change the world; Steve Jobs worked on a change through technology. Charles Darwin stated adaptability to change is a crucial survival skill, and Albert Einstein linked the ability to change with the measure of intelligence.

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." — Henri-Louis Bergson

Regardless of fields, the change remains constant. While the Earth rotates around its axis every day, each spin is slightly different. The day's length shifts through the year, the weather changes... and so we are.

The work evolves, too. The frame with lasers switches on only when someone stands in front of it, and if the visitors get close to the mirror, they intersect the projection and alter the reflected silhouette. The projection itself is a generative animation that keeps changing, and the work is accompanied by an ambient soundscape that makes a composition with the white noise emitted by fans cooling the electronics. 

Individuals have distinct identities and beliefs, yet most share the goal of fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness. Nations have diametral variability of policies and rhetoric, but the same message of prosperity and security. In the end, we need to reflect upon ourselves to figure our approach to time and space, make our change.

"Phase Transitions" was featured during:

■ EPAS Together Festival, The University of Zagreb Student Centre, 20-21 May 2022
■ 100ºC - Hauntology, Turmoil, Change symposium, University of Dundee / Online, 1 Dec. 2021
■ Sharing, Not Hoarding exhibition, Slessor Gardens, Dundee, UK, 26 Oct. - 20 Dec. 2020
■ 2020 Masters Show, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee, UK, 16-25 Oct. 2020

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