November 26, 2015

London Walks: Paths

When I was in cities some years ago, I focused on the structural aspects only. I might have taken some nice shots of architecture or skylines, but nothing that would tell a story of everyday’s life -until the last year or so, when I started to enjoy capturing the human element in as well. Many streets have great texture, but it is all that random people commuting /exploring /traveling /visiting.. through what create truly appealing environments. London boasts an abundance of these, here are some: 





Following three I've captured earlier, but since they fit the theme I’ve included them too.


originally published in "Random London"


originally published in "London Walks: The City"

Euston railway station London

originally published in "London Walks: Train Stations"

If you've enjoyed these photos, stay tuned - another post with similar pics is on its way. Meanwhile, you might also like the "Scotland Weekend" story.

This post is a part of the London Walks series.

Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Stories



    Jerry dean
    November 27, 2015 at 13:34


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      Jakub Stepanovic
      November 27, 2015 at 14:27

      Thanks, Jerry

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