January 1, 2019

Top Posts of 2018

Happy New Year to all readers! Here are the most popular posts of the last year:


Camino de Santiago Pt.1: Portugal

The beginning of a journal about how I went on a pilgrimage. (Read more)


Ben Nevisben nevis

The UK's tallest mountain during the best conditions you could ask for. (Read more)


Northern Coastline

A road trip across some amazing points of interest around northern Scotland. (Read more)



Sightseeing and conferencing in the capital of the Republic of Ireland. (Read more)


Travel Cheap, Travel Well!

Some tips I learned while getting around - The title says it all. It's an older post, but one of those which are popular every year, and this time it actually made the list. (Read more)


Yellow Mountain

Natural pinnacle of my wandering through China. (Read more)



I was lucky to spend a part of the summer in the capital of Saxony, Germany. So good! (Read more)


Colorado Road TripThe City of London

Another old post that proves itself every year. It's about an amazing road trip that covered plenty of Colorado's majestic sites.  (Read more)


Through The Windshield

Picture collection for the love of driving. (Read more)


Excitement Everywhere

Unsorted pics from the last winter. (Read more)

--- here are the most liked pics on my instagram of 2018 ---


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Dundee's VA museum


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Old Man of Hoy


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Selfie in the Highlands


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Scaling Ben Nevis


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Loch Scourst, Isle of Harris


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Ring of Steall

You can revisit the most popular posts of the previous years.

Follow my social media to see where will 2019 take me, and if you think some of your friends might enjoy this content, spread the word. Many thanks!

Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Collections


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